Eldredge, Hezikah

Birth / Established: 1795
Death / Dissolved: 1845


Hezikah Eldredge was born in Salisbury, Connecticut and spent his youth in Weedsport, New York. He had moved to Rochester, New York in 1829 where new carpentry opportunities existed after the opening of the Erie Canal. Following his first wife's death in 1834 he remarried and moved to Ohio City, which was also experiencing growth with the opening of the Ohio and Erie Canal. At Ohio City he established a shop and lumberyard.

Building Name Address Built Status
First Presbyterian Church Rochester, NY 1825 Demolished
Bank of Genessee Cleveland, OH 1831 Demolished
Cleveland Centre Block of Stores (demolished) Cleveland, OH 1834-6 Demolished
St. John's Episcopal Church 2905 Church Street, Cleveland, OH 1835 Standing
U.S. Bank of Buffalo Buffalo, New York Cleveland, OH 1836 Demolished
Vineyard Lane Bridge Cleveland, OH 1845 Demolished
Holland Land Office Cleveland, OH n.d. Demolished


Hezekiah Eldredge Family MSS #4652
WRHS Manuscript Collection